Friday, August 6, 2010

Design and Craft

Quilting is a craft that has evolved and changed with the times. It used to be something that that was taught in a guild, and was seen as an essential in every house. However the idea of making a quilt now is seen as something of a hobby, not something that needs to be done. This is because machines have taken over what a housewife used to do. However the machine made quilt doesn’t have the human aspect to it. When a human makes the quilt, it has been thought about and time has been taken to put it together. It has a moral or memory and a meaning behind it. These rather than the machine made ones are usually originals because each quilter has different personalities and that would change what they would want to show in their quilts. Their sewing abilities would affect how much they are worth and due to the time and cost of the materials they are for people who have a lot of spare time and cash on their hands. All these things cause them to be rather expensive.

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